Hello readers and welcome to my blog! Let’s get straight to the point: I’m moving to Israel to live with my girlfriend Aviya. Wait.. let me rephrase that: today is the day that I’m moving to Israel to live with Aviya. For obvious reasons, the complete story is a bit longer than just those sentences, so therefore I wrote this blog post to explain it all. Let’s go!
A classic love story
The way Aviya and I met is like the classic boy meets girl story. Being at the right place at the right time. To give a bit of a backstory, we met in London at a Bon Jovi concert. She was Israeli and I was Dutch. Not the handiest for a relationship, but I liked her from the minute we met. We started talking after the show and since then never stopped. Pretty quickly, that became love and a long distance relationship. Since then, we travelled back and forth to see each other.
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn’t too hard to see
We’re in heaven
The process
The idea of living together came early on in the relationship, and last year we started the process. It is a long one, but with the help of our lawyer the early stages went fairly smooth. Obviously, we didn’t anticipate Covid-19 and this delayed certain aspects. With the visa in pocket, it was a long wait before I would actually be allowed into Israel with their foreigner ban. In August, after 6 months of waiting, we finally got the right approvals to be allowed into the country and the plane tickets were booked that very minute.
Aviya found an amazing apartment in which we will start living from today onwards and which we will make home. It will also be the place I will quarantine for 14 days, as stated by the Israeli government. Fine by me. After 7 months, we finally will be reunited.
It’s time for the last goodbye and first hello
So this website will be used as my personal blog that captures life in Israel. Next to that I wanna write about the music I love, the travelling I do and in the future do interviews with people that inspire me. If that is not a reason to come back to this blog, then I don’t know what is.
Without further ado, the time has come to say the last goodbyes and step into the great unknown to get this adventure started.
Put the kettle on, love, I’m coming home.
More blog posts
Read all about my adventures in Israel here!
Heel veel succes toegewenst en het gaat jullie lukken.
Een goede en veilige vlucht naar Israël en een geweldig weerzien met Aviya en haar familie.
Lieve groet,
Best of luck
welcome and wishing you both all the best and happiness 🍷
All the best and make something beautiful out of it