After living in Birmingham for a year, it is safe to say has a special place in my heart. While visiting the Birmingham Motorcycle show for work, I had one night off to spend visiting this wonderful city, and its Christmas market.
Back in 2015, during my Birmingham stint, I loved immersing myself in the festive aura of this market. Enjoying and getting the most out of the Christmas spirit. Victoria Square and New Street, are filled with stalls offering a variety of food, drinks, Christmas decoration and the usual market junk.
What is interesting is that Birmingham’s Frankfurt Christmas Market is the biggest authentic Christmas market outside of Germany and Austria. All the classic foods and drinks can be found, and I highly enjoyed my burger and cold beer. I love how the market isn’t just about the stores, it is a place to meet friends and family, and enjoy a drink on the big squares. The theming is on point and all the lights are a joy to watch.
The stalls are decorated beautifully, and it feels like being in Germany (apart from the surrounding accents). I bought some small Christmas decorations for my family and myself while enjoying the live Christmas music. The atmosphere is wonderful and there is so much to see. You can ice-skate, go on some attractions and explore the canals. Something that changed since the last time I was here, is that the Black Sabbath members have their own little tribute bench. While here, I had to see it for myself and bring ode to these metal legends.
I loved wandering around here and spending my money. Not only on the Christmas market, but also in the city centre. I’m not a blogger, in the traditional way. However, I just wanted to quickly share some pictures and just write some of the stuff I saw. Sometimes the small things in life make you feel at home, and for me that is Yorkshire tea. I might not be British, but I love myself a good old cup of Yorkshire. So a quick visit and stop at the local Tesco to grab some tea for home, and some snacks for the hotel room. I loved my short, but so sweet visit to this great city.