We are back! Yes! After months of radio silence, I decided to give a little heads up what is going on in sunny Israel.
So yes, it has been a while since the last blogpost. Since December 2020 there has been a bit of a radio silence, and it wasn’t because I didn’t have anything to write.
In December, a lot of important things happened. We had our interview with the Israeli Ministry to obtain a work permit. Luck was on our side as we didn’t have to wait the usual 6 months before getting the visa, but only 3. Without a work permit, I wouldn’t be able to start working in Israel. No job means no income, so to have the interview so early on was a real blessing.
The interview itself takes a couple of hours and everything you can imagine will be asked. It’s like an interrogation, which can be kind of nerve wracking. However, in our case, it ended very positively. After a week, we got the call that we can pick up our work permit. After the interview I started applying for jobs and as lightning struck I was able to find my job in the same week. Since then, I’ve been working as SEO Manager, an exciting and fast-paced online world.
Let’s also do a quick summary on how Israel is doing currently when it comes to the Coronavirus. In short: it goes amazing! Since the last blog post, Israel has vaccinated over 53% of the complete population of the country. Aviya and I received the shots a couple of months ago. Yes, even foreigners that live here get the shot!
Because so many people are vaccinated, it also means a lot of the restrictions are being lifted. Bars and restaurants are open to sit, malls and shops are business as usual and since last week we don’t need to wear a mask outdoors. It really feels like “old” times again. With the bars open, we obviously took the opportunity to go out and have a fun night out.
Apart from breaking the silence on the blog, I also broke my foot on April Fools. Great timing, as not everyone realized I was for real. Anyway, every doctor and hospital has been very helpful to get me back on my feet again, and slowly we are able to walk around a bit.
Aviya and I spend our weekends mainly going to the park or to the beach (that was until a break kinda stopped that). Living so close to the beach and a big park really has its pros.
The phrase of this blog is back to life or in Hebrew: חזרה לחיים.
Hallo Emiel en Aviya,
Weer een schitterend verhaal en prachtige foto’s.
Hier in NL komen er a.s. woensdag 28 april versoepelingen.
Of dat verstandig is, is de vraag en zal het uit moeten wijzen.
Ik krijg woensdag 28 april de 1e vaccinatie en 03 juni de 2e tegen Corona.
Verder gaat het goed en bij mooi weer ben ik bezig in de tuin.
Vandaag zijn Francis en Marco 25 jaar getrouwd, helaas mag je nog niet naar Zweden.
Gelukkig kunnen we watts appen.
Nou, ik wens jullie nog een fijne zondag en tot het volgende nieuws.
Lieve groet,
Leuke blog weer, en die foto’s🤩 , het ziet er allemaal zo mooi uit daar, hopelijk kunnen jullie ons dit jaar een tour door Tel Aviv geven.